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Bird of Prey
Pest Control

Sat 29th
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Hawking & Falconry Bird Control

Although it doesn’t immediately come to mind as a method of bird control, the use of a hawk or similar bird of prey to deter large flocks of seagulls or pigeons is a simple, mess-free way of keeping certain areas free of flying pests. If you watch Wimbledon, for example, you may have seen their annual feature on the Harris Hawk that prevents pigeons affecting play on the open-air courts.

Areas where large numbers of people gather regularly, such as sport stadiums, produce a lot of food waste that local birds are happy to consume (thus attracting more birds), while construction sites offer opportunities for them to build nests and disrupt the work going on.

JG Pest Control offers bird control services via the use of hawks around the UK, including in London, the North-West and the Midlands. The service is also equally effective in both urban and rural regions.

YouTube video

Meet Keith and Harrison, one of our Bird Of Prey teams.

How Hawking Works

The use of birds of prey in this way is straightforward. Bird handlers fly the hawks or falcons through the affected area a number of times over a prolonged period, teaching the local bird population that the area is unsafe for them and encouraging them to find somewhere else to nest and feed. Hawks and other predatory birds used in this way are taught to scare species that would otherwise be their prey.

As far as the advantages of bird of prey control are concerned, there is nothing that has to be installed or maintained which enables the problem to be resolved as quickly as possible. Our professional, qualified handlers have strong bonds with their birds in order to maintain control over them, and they can schedule their visits to the site according to your requirements and the scale of the problem.

To explore the option of using hawks and other birds of prey to keep your property clear of bird infestation near you, call us on 0330 053 9001 .

Hawking is a very effective way of deterring birds from football stadiums, universities and other large areas.


Deter Birds From Home or Business, Call 0330 053 9001

Our Service

We offer professional bird of prey pest control using Hawks and Falcons in and around Greater London and the South East, certified and qualified RSPH technicians.


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